In the United States, Marine aquaculture production grew an average of 3.3 percent a year from 2009 to 2014, but globally, the United States remains a relatively small producer of aquaculture. Although the United States is a small producer, it is a major player in global aquaculture. The United States provides advanced technology, feed, equipment and investment capital to other producers worldwide.
Although the amount of wild caught seafood globally remained unchanged during the same year, the amount increased dramatically through aquaculture. From 2007 to 2011, sales of domestic Marine aquaculture rose an average of 13 percent a year, driven by increased oyster and salmon production. The United States is a minor aquaculture producer, ranking 16th globally (excluding algae) in 2016, but is a major importer of fish and fishery products worldwide. Nearly 90 percent of the seafood we eat by value comes from abroad, and more than half comes from aquaculture. The U.S. seafood trade deficit grew to $14 billion in 2016, driven by imports.
The main cultured fish species in the United States
Production of Ictalurus punctatus is the pillar of the industry, mainly produced in mud ponds, mainly in the southeast of the United States, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama. Catfish production has been growing steadily since the early 1980s, but fell 22 percent last year because of high feed costs and fierce competition from frozen imports from Asia. Rainbow trout are farmed all over the country, but most come from the northwestern state of Idaho. Atlantic salmon, native to northeastern coastal waters, have fluctuated by about 15,000 tons annually over the past decade. Ictiobus Cyprinellus Valenciennes is a large freshwater fish of North America. In many countries around the world, it is chosen as a substitute for carp, which is farmed in ponds, reservoirs and rivers. The species lives in environments ranging from 0 to 42oC and preyed primarily on zooplankton and certain zooplankton. The artificially bred Cy monkeys can eat all kinds of commercial feed with a bait coefficient of only 1.2 (up to the edible standard of that year).They mature sexually after 2-3 years, reaching a maximum of 36.3kg and a maximum yield of 7,700 kg/ha per unit area.
Compared with the rest of the world, the amount of aquatic products in the United States is still relatively small, with an annual output of about $50 billion. The major fish in the United States include cat fish, salmon, oysters and so on. Aquaculture depends on economic development, especially cheap and low-wage producers in developing countries, while the United States restricts coastal fisheries, so about half of its seafood is imported to meet domestic demand.